How This “Miracle Mint” Stopped my Husband’s Bad Breath and Practically Saved Our Marriage

You know what I hate? Kissing my husband.
I said what I said. And I’ve felt this way ever since our second date when we shared our first kiss.
You might be wondering why I married him if he has had bad breath from the very first kiss.
I just felt that “forever” vibe from the beginning. And yes, I thought I could change him…or change his breath at least!
So there was a whole year of “wow this gum is delicious. Want some?” and “hey you should try this mouthwash – it’s really refreshing!”
But he still had bad breath. I left new toothpaste on the bathroom counter. I put mints in his car console. I booked dental cleanings.
And then I did something really…weird.
I made up my own little nickname for him – “Hal.” Yup, you guessed it. Hal…short for halitosis.
One day I slipped and called him Hal out loud. And of course he was mad.
“Is that an old boyfriend?! What the heck…HAL!?”
All those products, dental appointments, and hints hadn’t worked. And I did want to connect with my husband by kissing him! So the truth came out.
“I don’t know how to say this, but you have really bad breath. And the truth is, you always have…”
He was shocked.
He was defensive.
And then he was embarrassed.
But I wanted to help him so we jumped online together and looked for every possible way to fix his bad breath.
Let me tell you, we discovered something life changing.
It looks like a mint. But it’s actually a unique dental probiotic.
After so many years of plug-nosed kissing, I was definitely skeptical.
The reviews seemed too good to be true. I mean, check this out!